You can now mint NFTs on Fusible | And Win An Exciting GIVEAWAY !

4 min readMay 13, 2021

At Fusible, our objective is fairly straightforward. We’re working hard to bridge the gap between the NFT market as it stands today, and the critical mass it needs for broad adoption. We’re doing this by enabling the fractionalization of NFTs in an attempt to make their price discovery easier, and the market more liquid. In short, built on the Binance Smart Chain, Fusible is a price discovery protocol that enables a curve-based price discovery, allowing the market to both be highly liquid, and accessible to the world at large!

Fusible’s Testnet began on the 3rd of April 2021, and we were thrilled to receive a thunderous welcome from the NFT community. We were spoilt for choice as we picked 300 community members to experience the Fusible platform, and assist in ironing out any wrinkles before we launch our Mainnet.

NFT Minting: You Asked, We Delivered

We had received a tremendous response from the members of the community, who had taken the time and effort to use our Testnet and give us valuable feedback. But one request among the feedback we received caught our eye — the ask for minting functionality.

Initially, we, at Fusible, didn’t have a NFT minting solution. We wanted our efforts to be truly focused on our core USP — NFT price discovery.

As we gave it more thought, we quickly concluded that there are not many alternatives to mint BEP-721 tokens in the BSC ecosystem. A minting functionality would be an essential feature that would truly help creators and help with our goal of democratization of NFTs.

We engaged in extensive discussions with the Fusible community, and saw there was no denying there was a strong demand for an in-platform NFT minting solution. Of course, we were more than happy to oblige our community.

Mint, Trade, & Earn

Which is why, Fusible users will now be able to use our platform to mint their very own BEP-721 tokens. They will also be able to list them on the Fusible platform, enabling them to take full advantage of our price discovery protocol. With Fusible, NFT creators and holders are no longer held hostage by an archaic auction-based price discovery model.

Of course, when you add fractionalization and combine them with Fusible’s integrations with AMMs like Uniswap, you realise that you, as a creator, no longer have to settle for low liquidity and subpar bids. What’s not to love?

We’re not stopping here though. We’re always open to community feedback. If you are an aspiring NFT artist or collector, we’d love to help make your hobby/profession exponentially easier.

How to Mint NFTs on Fusible

  1. Upload your collectible that you would like to mint

2. Select your collectible from your storage

3. After uploading your collectible, mention the NFT name and NFT description and Select the option ‘Mint NFT’

4. You will be now directed to ‘Contract Interaction’ page and there you can set Gas Price and total amount for your NFT and then Confirm

5. Viola! Your NFT has been minted! Now you can list your NFT by selecting the option ‘LIST NFT’

6. Add NFT contract address and Token ID and select ‘Approve NFT’ option

7. Select Selling Price and Number of FT and then select ‘Create FT’ option

8. You will be directed to the ‘Contract Interaction’ page where on the Details section, you will be shown Gas Fee, Gas Price, Gas Limit and Total Amount. After checking the details, select ‘Confirm’

9. You can now see your collectible uploaded in the market. You can select ‘Buy NFT’ if you want to purchase

Take part in this exciting giveaway!

Fusible is conducting a cool Giveaway for all the users! If you want to take part, follow these steps:

  1. Go on fusible testnet & Mint NFTs
  2. Post a screenshot of your minted NFT on any social media platform & tag Fusible
  3. To drop your link, fill your details by clicking here!

Top 5 people that get best engagement will be featured on Fusible twitter & will win 150–200 FUSII so hurry!

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